OverDrive eBooks and Audiobooks
Browse and borrow eBooks and Audiobooks for adults, teens, and children. Download the OverDrive Media Console and/or Adobe Digital Editions software, or the OverDrive app from the Apple App Store or Google Play, and then check out and download your selections to your computer, MP3 player, smart phone, e-reader, or tablet. Many audiobook titles may also be burned to CD.
Browse and borrow eBooks and Audiobooks for adults, teens, and children. Download the OverDrive Media Console and/or Adobe Digital Editions software, or the OverDrive app from the Apple App Store or Google Play, and then check out and download your selections to your computer, MP3 player, smart phone, e-reader, or tablet. Many audiobook titles may also be burned to CD.
3M Cloud Library NEW!
Browse and borrow popular fiction and non-fiction eBooks for adults and children. Download the 3M Cloud Library App from Apple App Store, Google Play, Nook Storefront, or install the PC App to download selections to your e-reader. This service is currently not supported by Amazon.com; Kindle Fire users may use the PC App to download selections.
Browse and borrow popular fiction and non-fiction eBooks for adults and children. Download the 3M Cloud Library App from Apple App Store, Google Play, Nook Storefront, or install the PC App to download selections to your e-reader. This service is currently not supported by Amazon.com; Kindle Fire users may use the PC App to download selections.
Browse and borrow fiction and non-fiction eBooks for children and teens. Most books are in ePub or PDF formats requiring Adobe Digital Editions, which manages your titles and transfers them to its supported mobile devices. Many titles also use the Blio e-reading app which is available for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
EBSCOhost E-Book Collection
Thousands of electronic books from EBSCOhost (formerly NetLibrary) are available to read on any computer with Internet access. These titles can only be read on a computer screen and cannot be downloaded to an e-reader device. For home access: contact the Reference Desk for instructions. Sponsored by the Friends of the Tarpon Springs Library.
Thousands of electronic books from EBSCOhost (formerly NetLibrary) are available to read on any computer with Internet access. These titles can only be read on a computer screen and cannot be downloaded to an e-reader device. For home access: contact the Reference Desk for instructions. Sponsored by the Friends of the Tarpon Springs Library.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Consult digitized reference books in a variety of subjects including business, law, science, the humanities, and more! Special features include a citation generator; the ability to print, email, and download content; on-demand translation, and ReadSpeaker text-to-speech technology that reads text aloud and downloads it in MP3 format.
Consult digitized reference books in a variety of subjects including business, law, science, the humanities, and more! Special features include a citation generator; the ability to print, email, and download content; on-demand translation, and ReadSpeaker text-to-speech technology that reads text aloud and downloads it in MP3 format.

Download songs from the Sony Music catalog that are yours to keep. Login with your library card number and PIN (the last 4 digits of your phone number). You are limited to three MP3 downloads per week, starting each Monday.
Freegal is only available for registered card members of:
- Clearwater Public Libraries
- Gulfport Public Library
- Largo Public Library
- Safety Harbor Public Library
- Seminole Public Library
- St. Petersburg Public Library
- Tarpon Springs Public Library
Language Tools

Mango Languages - Deliciously simple language learning! Each of the lessons incorporates interactive tools and rich imagery that eliminates boredom and keeps you engaged. Go as fast or as slow as you want, and customize your experience by using the tools that you find most helpful. You'll see progress with every lesson and be encouraged to keep talking. To set up a free account : enter your Tarpon Springs Library card number. Additional links: [FAQs] [Mobile Apps]